Accessibility | University of Portland


The Clark Library welcomes users with disabilities and is committed to providing equitable access for all individuals, regardless of disability status.

Access to the Clark Library includes:

Detailed information is provided under each of these categories below. If you need assistance or encounter an accessibility issue, please email us at or call the Library Service Desk at 503.943.7111. We are always happy to answer questions!

We welcome input from our community about how our spaces and services fit your needs. For accessibility suggestions or concerns, contact Heidi Senior (, chair of the Clark Library Accessibility Committee, or share anonymous feedback through our Comments and Suggestions form.

Access to our physical spaces

  • Building access: A ramp is available at the library's main entrance, and an elevator provides access to all three floors of the library. Fully renovated in 2013, the library's public spaces are wheelchair accessible. We also have an interactive library map with photos and descriptions of spaces.

  • Quiet Areas: The lower floor of the library is designated as a quiet floor. There is also a Quiet Study Lounge on the upper floor (Room 223).

  • Sensory-friendly lighting and plush seating: Several floor lamps with dimmer, warm lighting are located in study rooms around the Quiet Study Lounge on the upper floor, as well as 4 plush foam chairs.

  • Reserving spaces for distraction-reduced study or exams: The library has 12 study carrels on the lower floor (the quiet floor), as well as several reservable booths on the upper floor. These spaces may be reserved up to two weeks in advance at

  • Height-adjustable tables: There are four height-adjustable tables in the library: two on the main floor, one on the upper floor, and one on the lower floor.

  • Accessible restrooms: All restrooms in the library have a wheelchair accessible stall. Additionally, there is a gender-inclusive, single user restroom on the lower floor that is wheelchair accessible. We encourage patrons to use whichever restrooms most closely align with their gender identity or make them feel most comfortable. Here is a list of campus all gender restrooms, and a map of their locations.

  • Service Animals: Service animals are welcome; however, in keeping with the university's Policy on Service and Support Animals, emotional support animals are not permitted. Study Room 203 has been set aside as an animal-free zone for those with allergies.

Access to our collections

  • Obtaining library materials:

    • You can request to have books and media placed on hold for pickup at the Service Desk on the main floor.

    • You may also ask someone to pick up items from the Service Desk on your behalf. Contact us at or 503.943.7111 to make the arrangement.

    • You can request chapters from books at UP or other Summit libraries that are ready for use with screen reader software. Please make a note in the comment field that you need an accessible copy.

    • The Library also provides screen reader-ready electronic course reserves
  • Requesting accessible interlibrary loan materials: When requesting materials through interlibrary loan (ILL), choose “Yes” to the option “Text needs to be readable by a screen reader.” You do not need to be registered with Accessible Education Services to make these requests. If the material is not accessible when you receive it, please let us know and we will attempt to make it accessible for you.

  • Alternate format textbooks and course materials: If you require alternate format textbooks and text materials for your coursework (such as electronic or screen reader-ready versions), please contact Accessible Education Services.

  • Research assistance: We offer personalized research help, including in-person or online appointments with our librarians, drop-in help at our Research Desk on the main floor, and by chat, email, or phone. Visit our Get Help/Contact Us page for information on all of these options.

Digital accessibility

We are committed to making our library webpages, databases, and online content (such as eBooks, online journals, and other media) accessible. If you encounter any issues with accessing digital library content, please contact 503.943.7111 or email

Assistive services and technology

  • Please ask at the Service Desk or email ahead of time if you need specific assistance during your visit, such as needing staff to use clear face masks if you read lips, or help locating accessible computers or furniture.

  • If you need low-contact or remote services, please email to inquire about potential services.

  • Our online How to Use the Library guide has information about many other library services and resources, including laptops and other equipment for checkout, printing and scanning options, and more.

  • Computer stations in the library offer Read&Write software.

  • For additional assistive services and technology available at the University of Portland, please contact Accessible Education Services.

Accessibility resources at the Service Desk

Ask at the Service Desk if you'd like to borrow any of these items available to UP students, faculty, and staff.

  • Need your own quiet zone? We have Anker and Bose noise-canceling headphones available for 24-hour check-out. Or ask for a pair of free ear plugs!

  • Want some help to de-stress? We offer tranquility kits containing soothing fidget toys, a mindfulness mini-book, affirmation cards, and a full-spectrum HappyLight available for 24-hour check-out.

For more information about our recent initiatives and commitment to serving all users, please visit our Clark Library and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion page.