Challenges to Materials

Clark Library’s mission directs the Library to serve “the University of Portland community as a dynamic teaching library” where “resource selection and collection maintenance are focused on building and sustaining collections and securing access to resources that support and complement the degree programs offered at the University.” (Clark Library Mission and Collection Development Policies)

The Library upholds the University’s commitment to academic freedom which acknowledges the rights of faculty members to:

"seek the truth in research as they see it, and as their particular professional training directs them to it, and to publish the results of their research." (University of Portland Faculty Handbook)

The Library also abides by the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights which states that:

"books and other resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation." (Library Bill of Rights)

The resources selected for the Library collection are made available for research and coursework support but may contain incorrect information or harmful language. The Library is unable to verify the contents of all items it acquires.

Members of the University of Portland community have the right to challenge library materials on the grounds that the resource fails to support the degree programs of the University or the Library’s collection development policies.

Challenged items will remain available to the UP community until a decision is made.

A formal, written challenge form must be submitted to the Dean of the Library via the Materials Challenge form. Within 30 days, the complaint will be considered by a committee consisting of the Dean, Head of Collection Services, subject liaison librarian, and the Provost or their designee. Following the committee’s meeting, the Dean of the Library will notify the complainant and Provost in writing with the outcome and reasons for the decision. All decisions are final.