Digital Programs Overview

The University of Portland’s Clark Library and its Archives & Artifacts unit create, maintain, preserve, and make available high-quality digitized and born-digital resources for scholars and students at the University of Portland and beyond. The Clark Library digital programs promote:

  • Innovative teaching, research, and learning;
  • Visibility of University of Portland scholarship;
  • Broadening the reach of the University of Portland narrative;
  • Long-term curation of historical and educational assets and;
  • Projects featuring underrepresented voices on campus. 

Digital Programs

Pilot Scholars
Pilot Scholars is a repository for the academic output of the University of Portland community, providing a secure platform for long-term access and a showcase for campus scholarship. The repository is the home of faculty, staff, and student scholarly and creative works, including faculty publications, student theses and dissertations, student capstone projects, and journals produced on campus, and other resources which reflect the intellectual efforts of the campus community. For more information, see the Pilot Scholars Mission & Collections Policy.

Clark Library Digital Collections 
Clark Library Digital Collections highlight the University of Portland archival collections by providing access to rare and unique digital assets such as photographs, audio recordings, and documents that record the University of Portland cultural heritage. These collections focus on the creation of digital resources for teaching and research through strategic digitization of Library and Archives & Artifacts holdings and the development of concomitant resources. 

Digital Projects

Within the digital programs, each discrete project is developed with an identifiable goal, manageable scope, and defined timeframe, to support the Library’s mission.

Digital Project Criteria

Proposed Clark Library and Archives & Artifacts digital projects should meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Enhance student learning and curricular pedagogy;
  2. Promote disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies;
  3. Support the University’s commitment to creating a diverse community of scholars through enhanced access and collaboration;
  4. Facilitate preservation of unique resources; and
  5. Promote and extend visibility of the University of Portland.