Integrating the Library into Moodle

Library Chat in Moodle:

A Library Chat block is automatically added to your Moodle course. Library Chat provides an easy way to get live help from the Reference Desk via the library's instant messaging service. Library Chat is available 24/7. UP Librarians and student reference assistants monitor Library Chat during all the hours the library is open.

Course reserves in Moodle:

To assist your students with accessing course reserve materials, consider adding a Course Reserves block to your Moodle course page.

A Reference Librarian can add resources to your Moodle page:

The reference librarians have a special superuser role in Moodle. With your permission, a librarian can install a Course Reserves block or help with posting links or troubleshooting access to the library's online resources. To preserve confidentiality, this role does not have access to the grade book.

Linking to online resources from Moodle:

Faculty can link directly to articles and streaming video in many of the library's online resources from their Moodle course web site. Learn how to obtain persistent links to library resources and ensure that they will work from off-campus.