2022 Library Survey Results

Clark Library surveys the UP community every 3 years, most recently in Spring 2022. Over 580 people participated; thank you! We value hearing input to improve library services. Your thoughtful feedback will help guide our work this year.

Here are the major themes we’ve identified and how we plan to address them. And see below for a deep dive into the results, divided by group on campus.

  • Clarity on Study Room Usage: Undergraduates are heavy users of the library study rooms and some expressed frustration with the system and how to get help. 
    • We’ve created signs for all study rooms that will provide users with concise information that can help them use the space in the moment. We hope that these signs will provide transparency about how the system works and create clear avenues for help.
  • Adjustments to the Library Website: All surveyed groups said that the library website was confusing, so we updated the site for better ease of use.
    • We’ve moved “My Accounts” and “A-Z Databases” to new tabs
    • We’ve reduced the amount of content on the Course Reserves
    • We created Getting Started with ResearchandHow to Use the Libraryguides and added them to the homepage.
    • You can access the Digital Lab through a link on the left sidebar.
  • Equipment to Support Studying: Many student respondents suggested we improve the equipment that we offer, and we've made these changes.
    • We’ve added tablets and a variety of chargers to the circulation collection, and we’ve increased the checkout time for tablets and laptops.
    • We have moved two computer workstations to the quiet level.
    • We’re going to add lockers so you can store belongings temporarily when you need to step away from a study space.
  • More visibility for University and Local History: Every group said they were not aware of the ways in which the library's Archives and Artifacts division showcases UP, Portland, and Oregon history.
    • We have added a temporary display in the library lobby that will be dedicated to University and local history.

We continue to discuss survey responses and will use them to guide our work. We invite you to review these reports of survey results and let us know what you think!

Undergraduate Students | Graduate Students, On Campus | Graduate Students, Distance Education

Faculty | Staff

Results from the 2019 and 2016 surveys are also available.